Greece΄s market return may be imminent

Greece could return to financial markets in the next few weeks, investors and bankers close to the discussions told Reuters, raising private cash that would mark an important step towards ending its dependence on official funding next year.

Greek finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos met with investors in London last month and one of those funds, BlueBay Asset Management, said the volume of calls they are receiving from bankers about a potential deal suggest it΄s very close.

“Over the last few months we would get one call on this every couple of weeks (from bankers), but over the last 10 days it seems to be every day I΄m getting a call asking about this particular topic,” BlueBay΄s Mark Dowding told Reuters.

“One senses we are getting to a point where this feels more imminent. We could well expect to see a deal in the next couple of weeks before investors depart for their summer holidays.”

Dowding said BlueBay holds Greek bonds and would buy a new bond issue if the price was attractive.

Tsakalotos also met investors including the world΄s biggest bond fund PIMCO and U.S.-based asset manager Standish, sources close to those meetings told Reuters. PIMCO declined to comment

The Greek finance ministry was not immediately available for comment. A senior Greek government official told Reuters last week that no decision had yet been made on the timing of a deal.
